2020 QEBF Calendar of Events

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, Get tested.

The QEBF Calendar was revised on the 10th of September 2020.

all events subject to covid restrictions + online nomination

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Events as per the QEBF Management Committee Meetings (10/08/2020)

Q-Cup Men maximum 14 teams (now 12, as 12 tables)

Q-Cup Women maximum 14 teams (now 12, as 12 tables)

Country Cup maximum 14 teams (subject to available tables)

# Finals format will be revised.

Nominations by the association: required 14 days prior to the event. (Friday 5PM)

Payment by the association; and shall be invoiced after the event.

To date, we have 10 teams nominated for each event.

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QLD State Men's Singles (11)

QLD State Women's Singles (9)

QLD State Masters Singles (9)

QLD State Under 23 Singles (18)

Nominations by the zone: required 14 days prior to the event. (Friday 5PM)

Payment by the zone; and shall be invoiced after the event.

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There is still uncertainty due to the Covid-19 restrictions.

Do not book any flights or accommodation until we confirm the event. 

Stay home if unwell and get tested; Download the COVIDSafe app.

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Health advice

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Stay home if you are sick
  • If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested
  • Stay 1.5 metres away from other people—think two big steps
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, or hand sanitiser
  • Leave a location if it is crowded.

If you have any concerns about your health, contact your doctor or contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).

2020 Zone Ratio

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