Queensland Eight Ball Federation

Copyright and Trademark Notice

Queensland Eight Ball Federation Inc

1 Copyright

1.1 qpool.com.au, the material on qpool.com.au, the software, design, text and graphics comprised in qpool.com.au and the selection and layout of qpool.com.au are owned or licensed by us and protected by copyright under the laws of Australia and other countries.

1.2 You may view this website and its contents using your web browser and save an electronic copy of the website solely in the usual operation of your web browser in visiting the site.

1.3 You must not otherwise reproduce, transmit (including broadcast), adapt, distribute, sell, modify or publish or otherwise use any of the material on the site, including audio and video excerpts, except as permitted by statute or with QPOOL's prior written consent.

2 Trade Mark Notice

This site includes registered trade marks and trade marks which are the subject of pending applications or which are otherwise protected by law.

3 Linking and Use of QPOOL Internet Branding Icons

We welcome administrators and managers of internet sites placing a link on their site back to the qpool.com.au Home Page.

4 Linking to third party sites

This website contains links to third party sites. The links are provided solely for your convenience and do not indicate, expressly or impliedly, any endorsement by QPOOL of the site or the products or services provided at those sites. You access those sites and use the products and services made available at those sites solely at your own risk.

5 Framing

5.1 You must not frame any of the material appearing on qpool.com.au except in accordance with QPOOL’s prior written consent.

6 General Matters

In this agreement a reference to 'we/us' means a reference to QPOOL both jointly and severally

This cueSports website was built and maintained by cueSports auStralia.