QEBF Life Membership
- Details
- Parent Category: Queensland Eight Ball Federation
- Category: Life Members
14.1 Nominations
Written nomination of a person (whether a member of the Federation or not or a company, corporation or community organisation) for Life Membership, can be made by any Member organisation or individual member of the Federation. All such nominations must be submitted to the Management committee for consideration.
14.2 Management committee Decision
The Management committee shall decide, whether or not such nomination shall be submitted at the next AGM.
14.3 Criteria
The criteria for all awards of Life Membership are as follows:
Life Membership shall only be award if approved by a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote at an AGM following referral of the nomination by the Management committee to that AGM.
14.5 Life Members and meetings
Life Members of the Federation may attend:
14.5.1 Management committee meetings by invitation of the Management committee, and then only as an observer unless invited to speak by the Chair.
14.5.2 General Council meetings as an observer, but no speak unless invited to do so by the Chair.
14.5.3 The AGM and speak, but not bote unless acting as a delegate Member.
14.1 Nominations
Written nomination of a person (whether a member of the Federation or not or a company, corporation or community organisation) for Life Membership, can be made by any Member organisation or individual member of the Federation. All such nominations must be submitted to the Management committee for consideration.
14.2 Management committee Decision
The Management committee shall decide, whether or not such nomination shall be submitted at the next AGM.
14.3 Criteria
The criteria for all awards of Life Membership are as follows:
- The nominee shall have rendered exceptional or outstanding service to the sport of eightball, not necessarily through direct involvement with the Federation, but over a substantial period of time; and
- The nominee is deemed by the Management committee to be a fit and proper person or organisation to be the recipient of an award of Life Membership.
Life Membership shall only be award if approved by a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote at an AGM following referral of the nomination by the Management committee to that AGM.
14.5 Life Members and meetings
Life Members of the Federation may attend:
14.5.1 Management committee meetings by invitation of the Management committee, and then only as an observer unless invited to speak by the Chair.
14.5.2 General Council meetings as an observer, but no speak unless invited to do so by the Chair.
14.5.3 The AGM and speak, but not bote unless acting as a delegate Member.
- 23/03/2018 Jazz Westaway City
- 15/12/2012 Greg Dingle Gold Coast
- 19/01/1997 Flo Smith Toowoomba
- 19/01/1997 Alan Rowe Ipswich
- Ken Kerr
- Stan Schrieber