The Queensland Junior Development Program has a five venue program -
·         Q MASTERS
·         TOWNSVILLE
Hope to extend out our number of venues with the success of our current ones.
The Queensland Junior Development Program is for two purposes.
·         Firstly to provide weekly coaching to junior players to further there knowledge and skills of playing eight ball.
·         As a venue to raise funds for Representative players to travel to competitions.
To see our Queensland Juniors from previous years please go to and click on the juniors for pictures and stories of previous nationals.
The Queensland Junior development Program will be running every Sunday starting for the 16th of January 2011. The following stages apply
·         12 months membership will apply for each child at $10
·         Membership provides the child with a T shirt to wear to training days and special events.
·         A weekly cost of $5 per child applies
This money along with any fundraising and sponsorship money will be used to fund the Queensland Junior Representative players. Every junior player gets the chance to qualify for the Queensland Junior Nationals Team. The challenge matches and fun days are organised throughout the year at different venues. Hopefully we can make this a success and the kids can have some fun.
Shannon Purcell
0420 657 543

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