Jazz 200

2nd Ladies Ranking

Another strong turnout for the ladies ranker, twenty-eight girls in total. Also good to see Tanya and Sue having a hit out. Best on the day were Sharon, Lauren and Sue. Both Kerri and Jazz had there tails waging after droping a few early games first up. The improvers Kerry S, Jade and Aliesha all knuckled down to pot a few more eightballs in the second raking event. Note: The Ladies singles will be held in Townsville (90%) this year.




PLAYER ASSOC. 17-2-08 3/09/2008 13-4-08 18-5-08 SINGLES TOTAL
Sharron BROWN City 21 20       41
Kerri COLLINS Ndeba 20 17       37
Lauren JELLY City 16 20       36
Jazz WESTAWAY City 21 14       35
Irene WOOD City 20 15       35
B-j BOROWICZ B&DS 18 15       33
Mel GILLARD City 16 17       33
Tracey DOEBLEIN Ipswich 17 15       32
Angie KRETCHMAN D Downs 14 13       27
Donna WILSON D Downs 13 12       25
Toni ALLEN City 13 8       21
Lisa SMITH Ipswich 16 4       20
Kerry SPENGLER B&DS 6 14       20
Sue McCORD City   20       20
Nicole FIELDING B&DS 15 4       19
Jodi COX B&DS 10 8       18
Tanya AITKEN Ipswich   18       18
Jodi PENFOLD Ndeba 17         17
Jade MARTIN Ipswich 4 13       17
Aliesha MANCKTELOW City 4 12       16
Sam MAXWELL City 15         15
Shantelle BATCHELOR City 8 6       14
Sarah OBEID B&DS 8 6       14
Jodie KEIDGE Ipswich 8 4       12
Jessica WOODS G C City 8 2       10
Courtney SOLOMONS City 8         8
Carly ALLOTT Sun.Coast 8 0       8
Vicki WHEATLEY Ndeba 8         8
Pam BROOKS City 2 6       8
Lacey TURNER City 2 6       8
Jane KEEN City 6         6
Kylie WOOLFORD City 2 2       4
Marj VIJSMA City   4       4


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