2009 Queensland Masters Champion

1: Danny Higgins (5) winner of the Grand Final

2: Steve Lees (2)

3: Pat Broderick

4: Gary Proctor (reserve)

The Masters State Team will consist of 3 players and a reserve, all 4 can play in the Australian Masters Singles.

Below is the AUSTRALIAN International Masters Team to play NZ during the Nationals.

The FIVE test matchs clash with the open team and single events.

(this team will be confirm on wednesday night by the AEBF)

John Lehman V/C
John Howson C
Shan Baker
Terry Bond
John Burns
Wayne Rollison
Avilno De Freitas
Danny Higgins
Robbie Savage, Steve Lees, Dave Smallwood, Dave Glover, Dominic Cosoletto

(Masters: must be 50 or over 50 on the first day of the Nationals)