Player of carnival was given to round robin winners:
Under 12: Haydn Goode
Under 15: Vijay Randall
Under 18: Dayne VanKempen

Singles results:
Under 12 Champion: Haydn Goode
Runner-up: Justin Woods
Under 15 Champion: Vijay Randall
Runner-up: Liam Butler
Under 18 Champion: Liam Butler
Runner-up: Dayne VanKempen

VENUE: Q Masters
47 Castlemaine Street,
Milton, Brisbane, 4064
Ph: 07 3367 1430
Fax 07 3876 5239

Under 12: must be under 12 as of 1st January 2009
9am    Thursday 10th December 2009

Under 15: must be under 15 as of 1st January 2009
9am    Friday 11th December 2009

Under 18: must be under 18 as of 1st January 2009
9am    Saturday 12th December 2009

Cost: any junior athlete can register on the day ($5 Junior Affiliation Fee)
they may play in their age group and the next age group up, a example would be a 11 year old playing on Thursday in the under 12 and then playing the next day in the under 15 event.
Entry is $11 per entrant per event

State Team: The Queensland Junior Team will consist of
2 under 12, 2 under 15, 3 under 18 and the team manager.
The Australian Junior Nationals will be held during March 2010 in Tasmania