The Queensland Eight Ball Federation have adopted the Industry Covid Safe Plan for Indoor Sports Group.

  • Fraser Coast Cue Sports COVID-19 City v Country
  • SQEBF COVID-19 City v Country
  • Industry Covid Safe Plan – As adopted by QEBF
  • AEBF COVID-19 Guidelines
  • AEBF COVID-19 Guidelines A3 Poster


If there are multiple activities being undertaken at a venue/facility (for example – dining, sports, approved training courses, fitness or recreational), several approved industry plans may apply. If this is the case, the following will apply:
 Where there is clear separation between the activities (e.g. dining and sport) the relevant plan applies to the relevant area. A COVID Safe Statement of Compliance for the appropriate plan will be displayed in each area. Providers that have opted-in to comply with the relevant Industry COVID Safe Plan in stage 2 may continue to display the Statement of Compliance previously provided.
 Where the activities cross over (for example amenities, entry/exits, carparks):
o Where possible these areas of cross over will be minimised. Such as designating a particular entry, exit, amenities and carpark for each activity.
o Where the cross over cannot be minimised, a decision will be made as to which plan takes priority in which common area and will be followed.
 For example, the entry, exit, carpark and amenities may be common to both activities and will be managed under the dining plan.
 In this case the entity responsible for the dining plan will ensure these areas are appropriately managed and the separate groups from the dining and sport activity will not intermingle.
Where a business is operating alongside of a not-for-profit community group, the business would normally take responsibility for managing the shared or common areas.
The approved Industry plans are located at

More documentation can be found here