2013 Queensland Under 21 Eight Ball Championships

Downunder Bar
102 Lake Street
Cairns QLD 4870

Saturday    10-Aug-13  9:00AM to 5PM
Sunday    11-Aug-13  9:00AM to 5PM
Entry Fee    $25
Format    Top 24

Dayne Van Kempen CQ Player 1 Matthew Gartrell
Benjamin McGinty CQ Player 2 Karrinn Mispelkamp
Reed Kunde CQ Player 3 Andrew Fitzgerald
Josh Cahill CQ Player 4 Miki Kohama
Michael Jefferies CQ Player 5 NQ Player 5
Ryan Cook CQ Player 6 NQ Player 6
SEQ Player 7 CQ Player 7 NQ Player 7
SEQ Player 8 CQ Player 8 NQ Player 8


Email: secretary@qpool.com.au     www: www.qpool.com.au

Queensland Eight Ball Under 21 Tournament Rules:

1.2 Age Qualification
Tournaments are conducted in three age groups.
D) Under 21 years of age at 1st January the year of Championships