Author Archives: website

QEBF Secertary

6.MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – DUTIES 6.3 Secretary Receive and conduct all correspondence on behalf of the Federation. Take and maintain minutes of all Management committee, General Council, AGM and SGM meetings. Maintain master copies and a register of amendments to the Constitution and By-laws. QLD Office of Fair Trading (OFT). The secretary is primarily responsible for […]

QEBF Treasurer

6.MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – DUTIES 6.4 Treasurer Control Federation finances Maintain the Federation’s accounts and financial records. Regularly report to all member organizations and the Management committee on the Federation’s financial position. Prepare annual financial statements and arrange for a formal annual audit. Present the Audited Annual Financial Statements to the AGM. QLD Office of Fair […]

QEBF Umpires Director

6.MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – DUTIES 6.7 Umpires Director Develop initiatives designed to expand the number of qualified umpires and adjudicators. Develop and regularly review Tournament Rules and Procedures for Eightball. Develop codes of behaviour for all players and officials Obtain approval of the Management committee for all rules and procedures, and codes of behaviour.