

     Traditional boxers stance of tripod stance.  This is a way of standing which will allow the pupil to propel the Cue smoothly along a level plane, through the cue ball whilst sighting down the cue.  Pupils should make
     the stance to the cue, not the cue to the stance.

The stance is the base in a player's technique. It is important for a player to have a firm base because if the body is liable to move during the shot then the cueing and everything else will move off line. Every individual is different and there are many different stances but many share the same common features which I would recommend. I have outlined below the main characteristics for a good stance.


The right leg (for a right handed player) should be in line with the line that the player is aiming along. Therefore the line of aim needs to be chosen before going down on the shot. It is usually easier to choose the shot and then walk into it, leading with the right leg (if right handed).


The right leg should ideally be braced and straight but if the player is tall or has back problems then the leg can be bent.


The left leg should then be placed about a shoulder width from the right.


This left leg can then either be parallel to the right or slightly in front of it. This depends on what the player feels comfortable with. However the leg should not be placed behind the right.


The player should lean into the shot slightly so that the left leg is bent and a slight push is needed to help the player stand up from the shot. This helps the player to follow through with the shot.


The picture below shows an example of a good solid stance.

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