All State and Territories have adopted the AEBF Masters age criteria .... as per the "2009 Mid – Year Meeting, Canberra, ACT, Saturday July 25th 2009"

Masters Age to compete at Championships

Moved: Joseph Morrall - 1st October in the year of the championship, the player must have turned 50 years age

Seconded: Greg Dingle CARRIED

QEBF Adopts the motion CARRIED


  • 2000 - 2007 ONE Masters player per state attended the Australian Championships as a member of The Australia Masters Team to play New Zealand
  • Then the Masters concept changed to align with the World Over 50's Championships
  • 2008 - 2010 THREE Masters players per state attended the Australian Championships as a STATE Team to play other states
  • 2011 - 2020 FOUR Masters players per state attended the Australian Championships as a STATE Team to play other states

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