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Womens Rankers no 4 at QMasters


Tanya must have thought 'who is this?' when Courtney, a lower division City player master broke her in the first game. Courtney was stoked while Sue made the appropriate comments.

Twenty two, well twenty two and a half counting Jade and bub, competed in the fourth women's ranker on Sunday.

You may notice that I am no longer last and still baving a great time.

Click on the 'read me' if you want to see exactly where things are at.


Read more: 2008 SEQ Womens Ranker 4


The third open ranking tournament on Sunday 27th April was another great success. Some of the big guns were chasing glory in Melbourne whilst the long weekend encroached on the time of others

It is important to start on time. Your name and money must be in by 9.30am.

Look up your results by clicking on 'read more'




Read more: 2008 SEQ Open Ranker 3

RiseAtlantis Icon01 Two dozen women, one limping,

played serious friendly pool in the third SEQ women's ranking tournament.

Their results are in the 'read more' bit.

Just because I am last on the list doesn't mean I didn't have a great time.


Read more: 2008 SEQ Womens Ranker 3


Sixty seven players in five groups played at Q-Masters and Super 8.  The progressive scores are shown in the 'Read More' box.  Thanks, it really speeds things up when  players bring the correct change, $22 for registration.

Driver comes out of the smoking room shaking his head.  "You know" he says, "I'm only the second best player here today.  Sniff, sniff.  "Everyone in there is the best player"

It wasn't cricket even though spectators had to duck a few spotty balls and yellow ones.

Travis reminds us of Gilly (that's our wicket keeper for the uninformed).


Then Dallas gains instant friends by winning the $100 bar tab.


Read more: 2008 SEQ Open Ranker 2

Jazz 200

2nd Ladies Ranking

Another strong turnout for the ladies ranker, twenty-eight girls in total. Also good to see Tanya and Sue having a hit out. Best on the day were Sharon, Lauren and Sue. Both Kerri and Jazz had there tails waging after droping a few early games first up. The improvers Kerry S, Jade and Aliesha all knuckled down to pot a few more eightballs in the second raking event. Note: The Ladies singles will be held in Townsville (90%) this year.



Read more: 2008 SEQ Womens Ranker 2


24th February - First Mens Ranking

South East Zone

Venue: Q Masters

Time: 9AM for a 9:30AM START

Cost $22





Read more: 2008 SEQ Open Ranker 1


17th February - First Womens Ranking

South East Zone - Venue: Q Masters

Time: 9AM for a 9:30AM START - Cost $22

Great start to the season with 30 competitors at Q-Masters for the first womens south east zone ranking event for the new 2008 season. Some of the big guns were absent Tanya A, Sue Mc (Aussie Team Player, well she will have a wild card into the last 26) and Sammy T.

Tassy is the destination for the 2008 Australian Eight Ball Championships in late October and its looking like one of the better venues we have played at. I will post the play off results in the next few days..................... Prez


Read more: 2008 SEQ Womens Ranker 1


Eio1x007Brisbane Airport
if you arrive by plane into the domestic or international terminal, take the air train into Roma Street Transit Center. This trip takes about 20 minutes. The approximate cost is $13.
Trains depart about every 15 – 20 minutes from around 5am to 8.30pm daily.





Q Masters

47 Castlemaine Street, MILTON, 4064

(This is about a 15 minute walk from the Transit Centre)

QMasters is situated next to Suncorp Stadium, about 2kms from the city centre. There is no suitable accommodation close by. Therefore I would be inclined to stay in the city and catch a taxi to the venue.

Read more: Brisbane Accomodation

John Wheeler 200

Rusty 'QLD' 10 v Steve Woods 'ACT' 4

What a great match this was. Both players came out firing and at 3-2 Rusty, their had been 4 master breaks and mistakes punished. Then Woods missed a tricky ball and from then on it was all Rusty. He played his usual way and everything he tried came off. His potting was superb. The frenzy ended at 8-2 when the nerves set in and he started missing easier balls.

watch the video, see all the big shots..

Read more: AEBF Mens Singles 2007


Can anybody can fill in the missing?

Read more: Women Ranking


PLAYER ASSOC 19-Feb 19-Mar 23-Apr 14-May 18-Jun 9-Jul Z-SING TOTAL
HIGGINS Danny Ndeba 26 16 27 25 26 31 18 169
LIST Adam City 21 28 23 29 14 32 12 159
PURCELL Shannon City   30 23 24 32 24 22 155
LEES Steve City 26 27 25 31 25   12 146
BEETON Dane City 8 27 25 16 14 22 30 142
STUBBIN Craig City 12 27 14 26 25 14 18 136
KINMAN Mick Ipswich 14 24 24 24 29 14 6 135
READ Brent G Coast 12 14 27 27 23   30 133
MARTIN Travis City 12 28   27 10 28 24 129
PARES Bill Ipswich 10 23 14 22 20 22 16 127
BARRY Kevin City 10 16 24 16 25 24 10 125
SWIFT Michael City 12 23 14 12 27 24 10 122
LEVESQUE Jason City 18 18 14 22 24 14 4 114
HART Brad City 21 14 14 21 14 18 12 114
BLACKMORE Bronson City 10 18 20 14 14 23 12 111
CLASOHM Wade City 8 16 22 16 14 19 16 111
VOKES Mike City   24 8 14 23 24 10 103
CHUNG Ian Ndeba 26 27 17 24       94*
ROBINSON Hadyn B&ds 14 16 14 16 12 21 0 93

2nd & 3rd September 2006 State Play off @ Q Masters 10am

RENNIE John City 8 14 20 8 14 25 4 93
KAJEWSKI Robbie D Downs 8 18 10 10 24 16 4 90
PILAT Nick City 14 10 6 23 16 14 6 89
GREEN Mick G Coast 25 26 10 12 12   0 85
WALL Steve Ipswich 14 23 10 10 18 10   85
GRAY Roland Ndeba 10 14 19 12 14 10 6 85
RADFORD Kane City 18 23 12 20 18* 18*   109*
MARSHALL Daniel Ipswich 12 6 10   16 28   72
HOUGHTON Pat City   10 23 12 8 17 0 70
BARNES Peter City 19 14 14 12 10     69
MIEROCHA Dave City 22 12 16 14       64
ANDREW David Ipswich 12 20 12 8 10   0 62
BRODERICK Pat City   27   27     6 60
RANDALL Wayne G Coast 22 16 12       6 56
WARD Justin City 22 12 8 8       50
GORDON Darren Ndeba       21 21 6 0 48
MOORE Adam Ipswich 10 10   14 8   6 48
BROWN Sharron City 14 10 10 12       46
BISCOE Michael B&ds 6 12 20 6     0 44
JOBSON Norman B&ds 10 10 8 10 6     44
SMITH Peter Ipswich   14 10 8 12     44
HALL Aaron D Downs 4 8   10 12 10   44
BAUER Duain City 23 10 10       0 43
LEE Vincent Ndeba 8 12 6 14       40
GOMOLJ Joe Ndeba 22 16     2     40
HA Michael G Coast     6 6 16 8 4 40
BROWN Wes Ipswich 4 8 14 12       38
DANINI Ron Ndeba 8 14 6 8       36
BOROWICZ Bobbie-Jo City 8 10 8 10       36
MOORE Peter City 14 6 6 6 4     36
TAYLOR Jeff Ipswich     10 8 10 6 0 34
MARSHALL Raymond Ipswich   8 12 12       32
BOUGHEN Jason Ipswich 0 8 4 8   12   32
BOSSERT Roger Ipswich 8   6 6 10     30
PILAT John Ipswich 8 12   6   4 0 30
WHEATLEY Brian City         27     27
FITZPATRICK Daryl City   4 8 8 6     26
RAY Matt City 12 12         0 24
DENIGAN Dan City   16 8         24
COLLINS Kerri T'ba 21 2           23
STOCKTON Mark City       16     6 22
RICHARDS Marc B&ds 10 10           20
TAYLOR Matt City   8 4 8       20
McCONVILLE Sean Gympie 8         12 0 20
JELLY Lauren City     19         19
DINGLE Greg G Coast 8 6   4       18
WALKER Luke B&ds     6 12       18
OLSEN Robert ? 10 6           16
BRADFORD George D Downs   16           16
THURSBY Justin Reba       16       16
SOURRIS Chris ? 6       10     16
LEONARD James ?         16     16
SMITH David B&ds 8 6           14
CROSS Sterling D Downs 8 6         0 14
MOTTISHEAD Troy D Downs   14           14
VAN BUUREN Craig City   14           14
TETT Andrew Ndeba         14     14
CLARKE Tommy City 12             12
DUSCHA Peter Ndeba   12           12
SPEARE Travis D Downs   12           12
SMITH Ashley B&ds   12           12
KITCHENER Peter Ipswich     8       4 12
TURLEY Neil Gympie           8 4 12
KITCHENER Shane Ipswich 10             10
O'MAHONY Olan City 10             10
BRAND Darren G Coast   10           10
EDGAR Lee Ndeba     10         10
BLACKFORD Paul Ipswich     10         10
MOORE Peter City       6 4     10
SLOVIC Joe ?             10 10
HOGAN Chris B&ds 8           0 8
SMITH Dale B&ds   6           6
PROCTOR Gary City             6 6
SIMONELLI Nick ? 4 0           4
FOSTER Bryan G Coast         4     4
McKECHNIE Gympie           4   4
GREENWAY Mike B&ds             4 4
BRAY Jason City 2             2
JAMES Craig Gympie   2           2
                                        2005  S E Q  OPEN  RANKING  SCORES  
  PLAYER ASSOC. 20/2 20/3 17/4 22/5 26/6 17/7 SING'S TOTAL
AUST # READ Brent Gold Coast                
1 KITCHENER Barry Jr City 32 26 35 12 22 24 25 176
2 LEES Steve B&ds 30 14 35 22 25 24 13 163
3 LIST Adam City 25 33 24 10 23 27 20 162
4 BRODERICK Pat City 18 30 30 26 29   25 158
5 PURCELL Shannon City 34 16 30 12 21 24 10 147
6 SWIFT Michael Ndeba 31 28 27 23 12 14 8 143
7 KITCHENER Peter Ipswich 16 20 28 22 23 24 8 141
8 STUBBIN Craig City 16 26 26 24 12 24 10 138
9 WHEELER John City   16 34 19 24 28 13 134
10 THURSBY Justin City 14 28 10 27 10 27 18 134
11 MIEROCHA Dave City 29 16 26 21 12 14 15 133
12 HIGGINS Danny Ndeba 20 18 27 19 23 23   130
13 BLACKMORE Bron City 30 10 14 10 14 29 20 127
14 CROSS Sterling D Downs 14 26 16 12 23 8 23 122
15 KAJEWSKI Robbie D Downs 20 18 31 18 19 14 0 120
16 SMITH Dale B&ds 28 22 18 21 14 14   117
17* DAVISON Chris D Downs 12 20 18 21 14 22 5 112
18* ROBINSON Hadyn B&ds 29 14 14 12 22 8 10 109
19* BAUER Duain City 14 27 16 20 16   15 108
20* DENIGAN Dan City 25 14 16 12 12 12 15 106
21* BEETON Dane City 16 24 12 8 19 21 5 105
  GRABISH Adam City 28 26 12   14 10 13 103
  RADFORD Kane City 16 12 22 12 12 19 5 98
  CHUNG Ian Ndeba 10 16 24 10 10 21 7 98
  BLACKFORD Paul Ipswich 28 25   23 18     94
  ALLEN Michael City 20 18 14 16 12 12 2 94
  LEVESQUE Jason City 18 10 12 8 14 8 10 80
  HART Brad City 14 10 18 8 8 10 7 75
  MURPHY Paul City 28 16 10 2 10   5 71
  RENNIE John City 8 16 18 12 8   8 70
  SPEARE Travis D Downs 18 10 12   12 10 8 70
  GRAY Roland Ndeba 28 12 8 6 10   5 69
  WALL Steve Ipswich 16 14 24 4 10     68
  TEALE Graeme Ndeba 10 16 8 10 18 4   66
  BISCOE Michael City 25 6 16 6 10   2 65
  CRAWFORD Andy City 14 24 16 8       62
  BROOKER Anthony G Coast 8 26 16   12     62
  TEALE Sam Ndeba 12 8 10 20 8 4   62
  HALL Aaron D Downs 10 23 12 4 4 8 0 61
  JOHNSTONE Craig G Coast 18 12 12 4 14     60
  MALONE Mel G Coast 16 18 25         59
  PLEMING Robert G Coast 16 18 14 6       54
  FIELDING Nicole B&ds 14 18 14 8       54
  HORNE Chris G Coast 12 14   10 12     48
  FIELD Sean City 14 4 10 10 6   2 46
  PARES Bill Ipswich     14 8 10 12   44
  WORLEY Wayne Gympie 10 16 16         42
  CHESHIRE Rusty Toowoomba 14 14         12 40
  GREENWAY Mike B&ds   10 12       18 40
  TURPIN Jamie City   16 16 6       38
  RAY Matt D Downs 14 8 8 8       38
  SMITH Ashley B&ds   14 16 8     0 38
  WRIGHT Allan D Downs 10 14 12         36
  VAN BUUREN Craig City   14 10 10     2 36
  GRIBBEN John City 18 16           34
  GOMULJ Joe Ndeba 22   12         34
  DINGLE Greg G Coast 6 4 16 8       34
  PILAT Nick City 10 8 14       2 34
  HAINING James City 18 14           32
  CONNELL Derek Ndeba 12 12 8         32
  BECHAZ Rodney G Coast 16 4 12         32
  DAVIS Graham D Downs 18 12           30
  MORRISON Mark G Coast 16 10 4         30
  DEAN Joe Gympie 14 6 10         30
  BLANTON Chris G Coast 12 6 12         30
  DOYLE Noel City       10   14 5 29
  BROWN Sharron City   12 16         28
  GREEN Mick G Coast 18 8           26
  JONES Jeff B&ds   12 14         26
  NICOLAOU Ari City 10 10         5 25
  LEE Brenton D Downs 14 10           24
  PETERS Jeff G Coast 20             20
  HOLBECK Dave City 18             18
  RANDELL Wayne G Coast 8 10           18
  DANINI Ron Ndeba 2 6   8       16
  BURNETT Darren City       8 8     16
  PARKER Damien Ndeba 14             14
  BLAINE John D Downs 14             14
  PARKER Cameron Ndeba 14             14
  COLLINS Kerri Toowoomba 14           0 14
  GREEN Sean B&ds   14           14
  MARSHALL Daniel Ipswich       14       14
  WILSON Chris D Downs 12             12
  JAENKE Brad City 12             12
  PROCTOR Gary City 12             12
  McCONVILLE Sean Gympie 4 6 2         12
  GODDEN Ryan G Coast     12         12
  BURNETT Bryan G Coast 10             10
  DICKSON Daniel Ndeba 10             10
  CASEY Tony G Coast   10           10
  EVANS Morgan Gympie 8             8
  CONNELL Nathan Ndeba   8           8
  MAHER Marcelle City 6             6
  STARK Matthew Toowoomba 6             6
  SVENSSON Brad City   6           6
  SHAW Chris City   6           6
  TURLEY Neil Gympie     6         6
  SIMONELLI Nick D Downs 2             2

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